Irrespective of the size of the project, BIM (Building Information Modeling) is vital to AEC (architectural, engineering, and construction) industry. By incorporating it in to your practice, you can enhance productivity, efficiency, costs, and improve risk management. The difference is that big companies usually have their own in-house BIM teams whereas small and mid-sized firms opt for BIM consulting services.  

Likewise, the nature of project dictates distinct BIM approaches such as technological integration and compliance requirements. Let’s dive deeper for comparative overview vis-a-visa BIM consulting for small vs large scale companies.  

So, let’s explore how implementation strategies of BIM differ in small projects when compared with large projects.  

Every project is unique but large projects are relatively more complex than smaller ones. Large scale projects are characterized by extensive infrastructure such as airports, bridges, or skyscrapers. Therefore, a comprehensive BIM framework is required to cater to needs of meticulous coordination among all stakeholders from the very start to the end of the project. Therefore, this level of complexity demands robust BIM implementation to facilitate effective communication, clash detection, and coordinated design and construction processes. 

On the other hand, small projects as residential homes or small-scale commercial buildings also benefit from BIM revolution, but the scope is narrow. This narrow scape stems from the involvement of fewer stakeholders. Likewise, small budgets often require faster turnaround and budget is also tight. BIM is solution to both as it helps stakeholders to stay on schedule and within financial constraints.  

Large projects demand intensive resource allocations and therefor, large companies have their own in-house BIM teams. On such projects, companies deploy dedicated BIM managers and teams who focus solely on BIM processes. From setting up BIM environments for efficient clash detection to maintaining these environments to facilitate collaboration throughout project lifecycles, everything is done by dedicated experts. And these teams justify BIM investments by eliminating or significantly reducing delays and reworks.  

On the other hand, smaller projects do not have sufficient funds to establish dedicated BIM teams. Besides paying hefty salaries, companies are also required to invest heavily in IT infrastructure such as purchasing software license, hardware, and office. This is why small businesses rely on BIM consulting services.  

If you are looking to integrate BIM into your practices without putting any strain on your budgets, subscribe to our BIM Subscription services. Starting from just £1695 per month, it offers access to compete set of BIM resources. Want to learn more about this one-of-its-kind solution, book free consultation with Jimi Clarke – one of the pioneering forces behind BIM revolution. 

Both large and small-scale project utilizes BIM software like Revit to facilitate creation and management of digital representations of physical and functional characteristics of spaces. However, large scale projects often use the latest features of these software such as 4D and 5D capabilities for time and cost management.  

Small projects, on the other hand, usually focus on 3D modelling and documentation capabilities of BIM. It is because the main focus of small-scale projects is on improving design accuracy to avoid costly clashes and reworks.  

Be it small projects or large projects, adherence to ISO 19650 to manage information over the project lifecycle is non-negotiable. For large practices, the compliance is a construction obligation to ensure that project meets international standards.  

Smaller practices need this compliance to ensure interoperability and quality. It empowers stakeholders to avoid errors and detect clashes in early phase.  

In summary, BIM brings great value to both small and large practices as it makes project delivery cost efficient by streamlining design and information management processes.